Kids Care Clinic
Kids Care Clinic Address: 1400 37th Street, Evans, Colorado Phone: 970-348-1112
Keeping Kids Healthy in School and Ready to Learn
Sunrise Community Health's Kids Care Clinic is a School-Based Health Center located on-site at Centennial Elementary School in Evans. This is currently our 11th year of providing services. We offer a wide variety of services including: well child exams/sports physicals, vaccinations, minor injury care, and sick visits. We also offer dental services on-site including: routine exams, cleanings, sealants and fluoride treatments. There is a Medicaid/CHP+ technician on-site to help our families enroll (if they are eligible) for these programs. We also have the ability to provide mental health services/counseling
Who do we serve? What is the cost?
All services are provided for students (and their siblings) of Greeley-Evans School District 6 (including all charter schools). Newborns to age 21 are welcome. All students receive services despite the ability to pay. Insurance is not required, however, Medicaid, CHP+, and private insurance are accepted.
Services that we provide at the Kids Care Clinic:
- Well Child visits
- School and sports phyiscals
- Sick visits
- Vaccines
- Dental
- Behavioral health
- Medicaid/CHP assistance
The Kids Care Clinic Collaborative Team includes School Nurse, Health Clerk, Outreach Coordinator, Behavioral Health Consultant, Family Nurse Practitioner, Medical Assistant, and a Community Outreach Technician, which assists with Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) for children)
Same Day Appointments Available: For Sick or Injured Children
Please contact Catherine at 348-1112 or your school RN/health clerk in the school health office for assistance.
Our Health Advisory team includes members from our sponsoring agencies: Sunrise Community Health Center, North Range Behavioral Health, District 6, Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment and North Colorado Health Alliance.